Mrs. Nelson's Kindergarten

Welcome to our class!

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2010-2011 Kindergarten Handbook for Parents

Welcome to Kindergarten!

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome both you and your child to our class.  Your child will be completing one of the most important milestones in his/her life...the first day of kindergarten!!!  I am looking forward to a wonderful year of learning together!  Kindergarten is a wonderful time as children embark upon new adventures into the world of learning.  I am truly blessed to be given this opportunity to get to know you and your child.  It is my desire to instill a love of learning that will last throughout your child's years of schooling.  I understand that you and your child may meet this day with excitement or apprehension, and I hope this handbook will help you to know what to expect in kindergarten this year, and answer any questions you may have.  I am looking forward to establishing the best possible learning environment for your child, helping him/her to achieve their full potential.  Each child will progress at his/her own rate, acquiring skills as he/she is developmentally ready.  Maintaining each child's self esteem and building a secure foundation for future growth will always remain a priority in my kindergarten.  With teamwork and cooperation among parents, teachers, and students, we will have a successful year!

Parent/Teacher Relationships

I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success.  Throughout the year I will communicate with you through notes, telephone calls, newsletters, your child's Friday folder, progress reports, and parent-teacher conferences.  I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time.  You may call me at school (234-4460), e-mail using the icon at the top of the home page, or send me a note.  I am available for conferences regarding you child's progress by appointment.  Please do not interrupt our instructional time (8:30-3:30) except in case of an emergency.

Parent Participation

Throughout the school year, there will be a variety of special classroom activities and celebrations.  I encourage you to attend these functions when possible and to support them appropriately.  Your support of school activities make your child feel important and conveys the message that you value their education.

Morning Responsibilities

Your child has many morning responsibilities that they must learn to complete independently, such as unpack book bag, turn in Friday folder on Mondays, sign in, and handle bathroom activities.  I want you to be very aware of not performing these activities for your child.  It is much easier for your child to separate and develop independent skills when you walk them to the door and let them walk in by themselves.  They are big kindergarteners now, and I ask your support in prompting and encouraging them to do these responsibility independently.  For the first few days of school, I certainly understand that you may want to walk your child to the classroom door.  However, allowing them to walk into the classroom alone helps them become more independent.  Please understand that you are welcome in the classroom, but it is very important for your child to develop a morning routine.  I promise to give each and every student lots of TLC!

School Attendance

Your child's regular and punctual attendance at school is crucial to his/her success.  They need to be in school all day and every day.  I can't emphasize this point enough!  Most kindergarten learning activities are small group oriented and involve explicit instruction.  Therefore, it is next to impossible to make up all work at home.  Interaction with classmates promotes social growth and learning, and we need all our class friends at school daily!  Please view school as a priority.  In case of illness or emergency please send a written and dated excuse for absence within two school days after returning to school.  ABSENSCES WITHOUT NOTES WILL BE CODED UNEXCUSED.  If a child arrives late or needs to be excused early, you must sign in/out at the school office BEFORE coming to the classroom.  School hours are 8:30-3:25.  Class begins promptly at 8:30 daily. 


The only time your child will need money at school is for lunch or book orders.  ALWAYS send money in a sealed/ziploc with the following information on it:  child's name, teacher's name, amount, and purpose.  Please place it in your child's Friday folder.  This helps reduce the likelihood of any errors.

Meals/Snacks/Book Orders

There is breakfast in the morning for a small fee.  Paid lunch is $2.50 per day, reduced lunch is .40 cents per day - PLEASE send money when you get a notice that your child is low.  If paying by check, make checks payable to Chamberlain Elementary School.  You may also pack a lunch for your child.  We will have snack time daily.  Snacks are free of charge and are provided by the kitchen.  Your child will bring home book order forms.  This is an opportunity to purchase quality books for your child if you wish to participate. 

Book Bags

Your child will need a book bag.  The bag should be brought DAILY, and checked by you EVERY night.  This is to ensure that you receive all important information.  If you child brings lunch from home, he/she will also need a lunch box/bag.  Please label these and all items with your child's name. 


We always enjoy having our parents/grandparents come to the school to help us learn!  I know that I can count on you this year!  Your help is greatly appreciated!  Please see me if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.  All visitors and volunteers will need to go by the office BEFORE coming to the classroom to sign-in and pick up a visitor's badge. 


We use several instruments to assess students in Kindergarten both formally and informally.  A beginning of the year progress report is done to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your child.  DIBELS is given at the end of the first school month, mid-year, and at the end of the year to help identify any children at-risk for reading difficulties.  It is used to guide learning objectives and develop instructional plans for these at-risk children, and monitor growth.  The Star Reading test is a standardized test that is given at the beginning of the school year and again at the end to measure growth.  Report card assessments are given every nine weeks.  Skills and theme tests are given regularly with our Scott Foresman Reading program.  On doing informal assessments, they are given routinely as needed to gear instruction.  Please review the South Dakota Content Standards for kindergarten.


Kindergarten children are ready and eager to learn!  I do not give any homework that is mandatory.  In the students Friday folders, I will give number flashcards or papers to do at home.  They are all optional and do not need to be returned but I would advise you to do them with your child.  This homework is an extension of what we do in class, and gives your child an opportunity to practice and reinforce the concepts and skills we are learning.  It is very rewarding for you to see firsthand all things your child is learning!  You should read with your child for at least 15 minutes every night.  The more your child is exposed to language, the easier it will be for him/her to incorporate new skills in reading and writing in the classroom.  Be very patient and celebrate your child's success, no matter how small it may seem.  Keep in mind that we all build on small success!  This will keep your child enthusiastic about learning and proud of their work!


Reading to/with your child is very important!  Your child will be able to check out books from the library on cycle day #3.  I will also be sending home MANY mini-books that you may keep! :)  We are a READING FIRST school and our core program is Scott Foresman.  We participate in the Pizza Hut Book-It program.  Children reaching their monthly reading goal will receive a pizza coupon.  A letter will be sent in late September explaining the program.  I am certain you will be hearing about these exciting activities from your child.  I encourage you to talk with you child each night about what he/she is doing in class.  Reading will help your child in every aspect in life.  Remember, the readers of today are the leaders of tomorrow!

Computer/Class Web Page/Internet

I maintain a class web page to foster positive communication, provide current school/class information, and showcase our class activities.  The web page also contains links to great educational sites that you may use with your child, and other informational educational sites.  Your child will be taught the proper way to use a computer. 


As you know, good behavior and learning go hand in hand.  Simple class rules have been established to ensure your child experiences a positive and safe learning environment.  Even at the age of five, children need to learn the importance of accepting responsibilities for their actions.  I expect all children to follow classroom rules and procedures, and I will help them learn to do so in a positive, fair, and decent manner.  In our class we keep track of behavior daily with the Humpty Wall.  It works like this, if a child has difficulty following a rule or direction, first they are given a verbal warning.  If the same child continues to have difficulty, their Humpty gets tipped and next time it comes off the wall.  At the beginning of each day the Humpty starts on the wall.  By the end of the week, if you Humpty came off at all during the week you do not get treasure box.  A note is sent home at the end of the week for you to review/discuss with your child and sign and return.  Continued difficulties will warrant in a phone call and further action, with possible referral to the office.  This rarely happens and is LAST resort.  Please review the Chamberlain Elementary Student Handbook for a detailed description of policies. 

Items From Home

During the year, I may ask that your child bring items from home.  However, I ask that you do not allow your child to bring toys to school unless it is show and tell day.  Your child's name should be written on anything, and everything brought from home! 

For Your Information

*    You may wish to send an extra pair of clothes just in case of an accident.  Please put the clothes inside of a ziploc bag with your child's name on them to be kept in their book bag. 

*    Over-the-counter medicine cannot be administered by the teacher.  Please contact our school nurse, Mrs. Johnson, located in the office.

*    Please dress your child appropriately for school activities and weather.  Please avoid any shoes that do not have a back heel strap such as flip-flops, or high heels, these are hard to run in and risk injury.  Remember safety first!  Kindergarteners are involved in activities that require jumping, running, skipping, hopping, shoes work best.  In class, we will be painting, using stamps and markers, gluing, glitter, and other "messy" stuff.  Please select clothing that is comfortable and appropriate for these activities.  Remember to thank the Lord for Mothers and washing machines! :)

*    Report cards are sent home every nine weeks.  Keep the copy of the report card.  Progress reports will be sent home regularly.  Folders will be sent home at the end of every week.  Our class web page will be updated weekly with a weekly newsletter and lunch menu. 

*    Any personal information changes such as address or phone etc. need to be provided in order to maintain student emergency contacts. 

*    All bus transportation changes must be made through the office with a written note, or in person.  It is your responsibility to clear these through the office.  We will not take a child's word, as they may get the dates/times or bus number confused.  This is to ensure that our children get safely to their proper destination.  Your child's safety is of utmost importance to me therefore please keep me informed any and all transportation changes.  I will walk the children to their bus each afternoon to make sure they get on the right bus.  I ask your help by working with your child to help him/her to learn their bus number.

*    I know how special birthdays are to you and your child.  If you would like your child to share a special "Birthday Snack" with the class, please contact me to discuss the arrangements.  We love to celebrate special days!  Please do not send invitations to school to be passed out unless one is given to every child.  This will prevent any hurt feelings.  Summer birthdays will be celebrated in May. 

*    Parents are encouraged to be actively involved and I welcome the opportunity to work with you this year as we strive to give your child the best learning experiences.  We participate in the Box Tops for education program and collect CFC receipts.  Please help us by saving your Box Tops and receipts.  These programs enable us to provide many extras for our children and are well worth the effort!  You will also have the opportunity to participate in our annual cookie dough fundraiser.  Prizes are awarded for participation, and the money is used to purchased needed materials/equipment/supplies.  Your support is GREATLY appreciated. 


In closing, I would like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work with you and your child this year.  I am looking forward to a great year!  I truly believe that kindergarten is the best!  Encourage your child to discuss school activities with you.  Always talk positively about school in front of your child.  The way your child perceives your feelings about school will have a direct effect on how they will feel.  I am looking forward to working with you to make sure your child starts school on a positive note.  If I can be of any assistance to you or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  I appreciate your support and anticipate a fun and successful school year!  Again, welcome to our team!


Mrs. Nelson

General Website Information

I will continue to update and add links regularly, so check back often!  This site was designed to foster positive communications between the school and the home.  It provides current class and school information.  It showcases our class events and also contains a wealth of quality resources and activities for students and parents!  Parents will find the "Hot Off The Press" section most helpful in providing current events and skill objectives.  Be sure to check the "Homework" section for the latest tips too!  If you have any ideas or comments to share, please use the "Sound Off" section or e-mail me using the icon on the home page.  I hope this site has been helpful and would appreciate any feedback you may have.  Thank you for visiting!